Collection: Lake Dyes and Craft Colors

FD&C and D&C pigments are subject to batch certification must be purchased or packaged by the manufacturer if you are planning to use them for the manufacture of makeup for re-sale. Each of our bags of D&C and FD&C Colors have been individually packed by the manufacturer and batch certified. That means that with the exception of samples you may use our Lake Dyes for commercial cosmetic production.

Refer to Summary of Color Additives Listed for Use in the United States in Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics and Medical Devices and the regulations themselves [21 CFR 82, Subparts B and C] to be sure you are using lakes only for their approved uses.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Lake Dyes are NOT water soluble they are DISPERSIBLE. That means that you need a dispersant such as Polysorbate 80 so they mix throughly in water. Polysorbate 80 is a surfactant (foaming agent) and emulsifier (blends water and oil) and will cause some foam in the water.