Mission Statement

Just Pigments strives to offer a full spectrum of extra ordinary pigments for Cosmetic, Craft and Industrial Applications.

Simply put, when a company puts genuine effort into developing a relationship with their customers, the public can tell. It's why a company like Southwest Airlines can be so beloved by customers despite being in an industry that most people love nothing more than to badmouth. Just Pigments believes a small business can actually have an edge over the Amazons and Wal-Marts of the world when they focus on their ability to forge genuine, long-term relationships with their customers. In a time of remarkable access to goods and services, what customers want more than ever is to trust that a brand they are connecting with sincerely practices the customer's ethics and ideals. Just Pigments wants to foster a culture of gratitude that will translate into both profit for us AND savings to your bottom line.

We ship orders out within 48 hours if humanly possible with the exception of orders that have come in over holidays and weekends. We accomplish this 99% of the time. Delays usually are due to invoice payments that have to verified and addresses that need verification. Because we offer free domestic shipping over $60 there are times when we actually lose on small orders but we bank on the fact that that person will keep coming back and eventually be able or successful enough to order more! We strive to keep our overhead as low as possible and have not raised our prices in the last 5 years despite the rise of product costs, shipping costs and import tariffs that have risen 30% in just the last 2 years. We can do that because we all participate in the day to day operations and the very first thing on our agenda is getting your order out! We get emails daily thanking us for our speedy shipping! We hope to be able to continue to serve our customers AND we love hearing about your projects and have learned so much from you! Many of our customers are small businesses and when YOU succeed, so do we!

We enthusiastically research each pigment, it's source, safety and application. We require from all our suppliers a Certificate of Analysis for every pigment, SDS Sheets, letters stating their animal testing policy and letter stating that they monitor all mines where they source their pigments and make assurance that no children work in those mines. We realize that it may be almost impossible to assure our mica has not been sourced from a mine that employs child labor but feel it is important that our supplier know we care about this issue.

We randomly conduct our own tests on our pigments to assure that the Certificates of Analysis we receive match the actual tests we have contracted.

We provide our customers with information on applications that the pigments may be used for and follow all FDA requirements regarding labeling.

We are committed to providing pigments that are safe, clean, earth friendly and effective.

We are committed to offering consistent ethical practices in our dealing with our suppliers, clients, staff and our community at large.

We are a small team and work hard to offer excellent customer service, ship all orders out within 48 hours and if we cannot answer your question will do our best to find someone that can.

Just Pigments does not conduct animal testing and does not purchase from Suppliers that are testing pigments on Animals. Most all pigments have been tested on animals in the distant past for safety and possible reactions. In most cases there is no need for a manufacturer to re-test pigments, so this is an easy promise to keep.

We appreciate each and every customer, no matter how small and are committed to resolving any issue that might occur in the course of business.

Thank you for making us your supplier!