About where we source our pigments
Our manufacturers are carefully researched and chosen. In some cases where we offer proprietary pigments we have contracted manufacturers to make our color blends with special pigments we have chosen and we control the manufacture of these items.
Our manufacturers have fulfilled all the REACH requirements and have the paper trail to document it. REACH is a regulation of the European Union adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, while enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry. It also promotes alternative methods for the hazard assessment of substances in order to reduce the number of tests on animals.
All our products meet FDA requirements for heavy metal minimums. In most all cases they are approved for cosmetic use unless stated otherwise. ALWAYS READ PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS BEFORE ORDERING.
Our manufacturers have provided us with written statements that NO ANIMAL TESTING has been done. The ingredients in our pigments have been around for a very long time and there would be no need for further testing.
With the exception of one pigment that was specially requested by customers all our products are VEGAN and GLUTEN FREE.
We make every effort to assure that our mica is not sourced from mines that use child labor. Most of these mines are in India and we do not source pigments from India. We support Made in the Free World and if you use mica in any of your applications we encourage you to take an active part also.
Though there are many manufacturing plants around the world most all the large key players in the field have manufacturing plants in China. This includes companies such as EMD Chemicals (Merck) KOBO, SUN Chemical and so on. Many of our pigments are made in China. When we import our pigments we must declare them to the FDA and they may be stopped and tested and any time for Quality Assurance purposes.